Belén Rosado

Belén Rosado

Operations Manager
Exceptional Community Leaders

Woman, mother, and professional, with over 15 years of experience in interpretation and environmental education in protected natural areas and historical sites in Puerto Rico. She is grateful for dedicating her time, skills, and knowledge in favor of environmental education and interpretation, conservation efforts of natural and historic areas, and social justice; these as powerful strategies to offer experiences that contribute to personal changes and sustainable lifestyles, which favor equitable development and a better quality of life for all. 

As a biologist, she has the opportunity to collaborate with multiple professionals from different expertise and areas of study, government, private and federal organizations in conservation projects, education, environmental awareness, community participation, volunteering, citizen science, and more recently, social entrepreneurship.  She is always willing to continue learning and sharing what she has learned, happy to work in dynamic, organized, proactive environments, and in contact with people. 

Graduate of the University of Puerto Rico at Bayamón, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology, a long trajectory as an NAI Certified Interpretive Guide and environmental & community project coordinator.